Parker Nelson Medeiros..... some pics

Jan 22, 2006 10:37

ok, here are a few pics from my moms camera. There are plenty more, i just don't have them yet. Need to talk to everyone who took pics over the past few days. I have been shooting video and plan on editing it over the next week or so. when i do i will be sure to let people know.
Also, the poor little guy has had a rough couple of days. He was transfered from Milford Regional Hospital where Amanda delivered to UMass Memorial b/c of a problem he was having with his stomach. So, he has some tubes and IV's in these pictures. But, he's doing much better now and should be able to be home very soon!

Like I Said, there will be more pictures....better pictures soon. :) actually i just received this link from Parker's Auntie of parker....check 'em out!
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