Aug 03, 2010 12:24
Went to the post office to mail and pick up boxes of books, went to the library, went to the comic shop.
Seeing a pair of Jehovah's Witnesses the exact same height wearing slightly different colors of the exact same size of matching cheap clothing, including the pocket protectors. They walked similarly too.
Seeing bestselling-author Rabbi Harold Kushner. He either recognized me (he was a regular at the bookstore where I used to work) or noticed me clocking him and figured he was going to have to be friendly-- then realized I wasn't going to say hi so he pleasantly went about his serene business. Since he's prominent and local, my presumption is that strangers come up to him all the time.
Telling the woman at the comic shop to beware the Jehovah's Witnesses and her saying that they'd already been to her house and that she and her roommates wouldn't unlock the door and hid behind the couch.
But most of all...
Outside the library, there's a dropbox near the curb. There are 15 and 30 minute parking spots, but people who are willing to be unsafe sometimes just block the street to run drop stuff into the box. This guy slammed to a stop quick, threw open his car door and ran to the box faster than I'd ever seen. I laughed when I realized that he was throwing a men's bathroom key with the big plastic tag on it into the dropbox...
He saw me and looked beyond embarassed. He was already an idiot for blocking traffic there. It's a dangerous move and right in front of the police station, but now I just hope that whoever finds the key laughs as hard as I did when I watched it get returned...