Nov 30, 2006 17:10
Way too many things to do. Finished the novel for NaNoWriMo...but when I say "finished," all I really mean is that I've met my goal for the wordcount. It's 60,102 words long, but in terms of plot it's no where near to being done (because a whole lot of the writing is pointless filler that will be deleted in a final version).
Humanities essay test tomorrow. Slightly looking forward to it (I know that sounds insane and I'm going to get things thrown at me [and I deserve it] but I like World War I and I like the way that IB expects us to treat things). Nonetheless, will prepare for it.
Spanish story to read. Don't want to read it -- I hear it's boring. Oh well. I find it funny as I am looking through the book that the editors specifically mention having chosen for their "entertaining nature and plotlines which will make students want to read them." Yeah. Right. Have to do the analysis questions for it, too.
Art sketchbook. I'm two pages behind, but I'll manage -- that's something I can do really quickly if necessary.
Chemistry homework, which I probably won't even touch because I don't want to.
Jane Eyre continues to like me, and I continue to like it (though at the moment the characters are being WAY TOO DUMB).
Calculus homework. Don't think I'll do it, either, though it's probably due tomorrow or soon thereafter.
On an off note, I think I am going to try next year, starting on December 25th, to read 52 books in as many weeks, like Steph J did (is doing still, I suppose). I think it's a really awesome goal. I spend so much time writing and reading that I might as well set a reachable goal for it, and I like the idea of working toward something for a long period of time. Soon I'll make a list of books I need to read which I haven't yet -- suggestions are quite welcome.
kes running,
jane eyre,