A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but would it fit its other name?

Mar 16, 2006 19:51

Okay, I don't have much to say, but I thought I'd throw this out there before I forget.

I'm looking for names. Weird names, normal names, guy names, girl names -- human names, admittedly, but still names. Because I have this odd tendency to pick names for characters before I create them, and it's nice to know the pool I have to pick from ahead of time.

Just for background, these would be for the Polaris short story I'm going to write. I've almost completely decided to go with my second idea, involving the poles of Mars. This means that most of the characters in my story would either be scientists or scientists' kids. It's set a fair bit into the future, so uncommon names are fine.

I think that this post is my brain trying to procrastinate without letting me know that it's procrastinating. Ah well, at least I'm getting a head start on something...

polaris, writing

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