Flirting through time and space

May 01, 2011 23:08

Or, Candace discusses "The Impossible Astronaut" and "Day of the Moon" in a rather disjointed fashion, because this is necessary.

-- River Song is who I want to be when I grow up.

-- I've never entirely gotten the appeal of cosplaying, but I am TOTALLY REVISING THIS, because goddammit I want everything River Song has ever worn, ever, and I want to wear it as an everyday wardrobe. Mostly the stuff from Day of the Moon, but I seriously went out after watching The Impossible Astronaut and bought a belt vaguely reminiscent of her gunbelt. Just sayin'.

-- asdkjfadskj;lf THEY KISSED alkjglkjdafskj;lfdas (I am totally a mature human being who is going to grad school in the fall, I swear)

-- Speaking of how much this episode is ON CRACK, who in the world is spacesuit girl? And is she really a Time Lord (half Time Lord?), or did she just get some Time Lord powers? Also, River was sick too after seeing the Silence...could she have something to tell the Doctor the next time she sees him?

-- QUANTUM PREGNANCY. Giving a whole new meaning to "timey-wimey" since who knows when.

-- I am in love with 1960s suit-wearing Rory. Really, I am in love with Rory at all times, but the 1960s suit-wearing incarnation is particularly lovable. Sometimes I think he should go off with River to make the Doctor and Amy jealous, only the way he's being characterized at present, I feel like River might eat him! Totally unintentionally, of course, but it would be unfortunate nonetheless. I really want Rory to have more opportunities to show off his skills (and I LOVED his line about being a nurse, and therefore good with pregnancy!).

-- So I get that the rest of the world sees America as running around and pointing guns at people for funsies, but really, two Americans-with-guns joke in two episodes? I'm pretty sure that the kinds of Americans who watch Doctor Who are probably not those kinds of Americans, and while I did find it funny, I also found it mildly troubling. (Maybe just because it tells me something about the widespread perception of America beyond its borders, but I can deal with that when I'm there to be a cultural ambassador for those parts of America that aren't freaking's a little harder to be a cultural ambassador to a television set.)

-- I might be okay with the utter tragedy of living a relationship backwards if the flirting was as good as the Doctor/River flirting is. Because damn. When/where/how do I find that? (And in response to Amy's comment, yes, the flirting obviously takes precedence over saving you. Duh.)

-- Thank you, Steven Moffat, for reminding America that interracial marriage wasn't even legal in the 1960s, let alone gay marriage. As soon as Canton made that comment in the first episode I was sure that this was going to be a gay thing, but I love that it was made into an interracial thing as well, though I'm not sure why. (Also, literally half an hour after watching this episode, I was working my shift as a writing tutor, when a Legal Studies student came in asking for help on a research paper paralleling the struggle to legalize interracial marriage with the struggle to legalize same-sex marriage. Small, small world.)

-- In closing: I NEED an icon with River that says "River is my Doctor." NEED, I TELL YOU.

doctor who, love

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