NaNoWriMo 2010: Beneath Strange Stars

Oct 31, 2010 15:32

This November, I'm doing so many things that I probably couldn't explain them all in the five minutes' time I've given myself to write this update. But if you know about none of the other things, know this: I, Candace, am writing a novel that is effectively Pride and Prejudice in Space -- with genderswapping! As much as I feel like death warmed over from a combination of too little food, too much caffeine, and far too many homework assignments, I can't wait for it to be midnight in this timezone so that I'm allowed to start. Before I go to sleep tonight, Ellis Bennet will meet Willamina Darcy at the local pub on a colony planet named Jane and find out that he's "not reprehensible, but also not worth her time" -- and the adventure will begin.

I might die this month. I might stop using all forms of internet communication. I might not respond to comments/facebook posts/emails/tweets/etc. I might write some of the most reprehensible English papers of my career, and fail at getting into grad school because application-writing takes time I don't have. But no matter how low I get, I know one thing: by this time a month from now, I'll have another novel draft in my pocket. With aliens!

beneath strange stars, nanowrimo, pride and prejudice

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