Some absolutely disjointed thoughts about The Big Bang

Jun 27, 2010 16:06

So I just finished watching The Big Bang and I don't even know what I think yet. Initial impression was that I liked it a lot more than I thought I would, considering the way that The Pandorica Opens went (I was rather underwhelmed by it).

Using that silly little wedding myth to refer to the Doctor and the TARDIS = effing BRILLIANT. Although now I'll be really sad I don't have the TARDIS at my wedding (though I may have to have members of the bridal party who are conversant enough in the Whoniverse to get me a little teeny tiny replica TARDIS I can tuck away somewhere).

I can't decide who I fell in love with more in this episode, Rory or River. I'm going to say probably Rory at this point. Also I am so incredibly happy that Amy and Rory went through with the wedding and that they're both together back on the TARDIS and traveling with the Doctor.

River Song/Tenth Doctor was never a ship I could get behind, but I officially ship River/Eleven SO HARD RIGHT NOW. They have much better personal chemistry (which makes temporal sense, since this time around the Doctor's actually met her before, though he knows how it ends of course). (Also, obviously Ten's only ever going to be in love with Rose, and involved in the heterosexual equivalent of a bromance with Donna. Duh.)

Um, something more about how much I love Rory. Because I love him.

Also, I like how the fan sites figured out that it was a different Doctor in The Time of the Angels because he was wearing a different jacket and a different watch! And I love that the show is making use of multi-season arcs ("the silence" and all of that) because it feels absolutely epic, and makes me think of Joss Whedon, which is always a positive thing.

Only real complaint: Why is British television so stupid? Don't the Brits know you're supposed to have 22-episode seasons? Thirteen is just puny. I NEED MORE DOCTOR DAMMIT.

Maybe later there will be some posting about how I'm moved in at Berkeley and it's fabulous and my apartment is spacious and beautiful (despite the fact that it lacks reliable internet until Thursday), but for now I just need to take some more time and think this through.

doctor who, berkeley

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