Please forgive the moping. Or just disregard it entirely.

May 08, 2010 13:37

Agh, I hate when school starts to interfere with real life (or really, with the rest of real life, because school is, and will probably forever be, a part of my real life). I really want to go to lazyclaire and jenepel 's party tonight and see them along with other awesome people, but I told myself all along that if I didn't have a draft of this essay done before the party, I couldn't go. And while I have an outline and a good idea of where I'm headed, I certainly don't have a draft. If I finish eating my lunch now and go close myself in the library until about 10pm, I will almost definitely emerge with a draft. This would be a good (and in all honesty probably necessary) thing. Yes, I could go to the party after, but it would take me an hour to get there, and after that kind of hard work (and in this weather, which, for those of you not in London, is cold and rainy), I'm not going to want to do more than put on pajamas and sleep -- since, after all, I have to wake up and do it all over again...

I am Candace, so I will do  the "right" thing. I will finish my lunch (and this sullen LJ entry) and pack my things and migrate over to the library and write this paper (and maybe if I'm good I'll even let myself take a coffee break). But that doesn't mean I have to like it. Well, I guess this is the price I pay for spending 16 days running around Europe instead of working on school stuff...and in that view, it's not a choice I'd make differently. But it still kinda sucks.

school, english

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