World traveling

Apr 22, 2010 06:52

Since April 14, I have:

- discovered the Beast's library (seriously, it's part of the Hofburg Palace complex in Vienna - I am NOT joking)
- visited 3 royal palaces/castles in as many days (in Vienna and Berlin)
- saw the most awesome stained glass EVER (in St. Vitus's Cathedral, part of the Prague Castle complex)
- gone on a bar crawl in Prague and then taken a five-hour train to Berlin during the (admittedly mild) hangover
- climbed the Areopagus Hill in Athens and geeked out excessively regarding Milton and the Areopagitica
- made friends with strangers in 3 countries
- taken free walking tours in two cities (Prague and Berlin)
- used the public transportation systems of three different cities/countries
- crossed a national border by bus (from Austria to the Czech Republic)
- crossed a national border by train (from Czech Republic to Germany)
- been at the top of Prague's astronomical clock when it rang the hour at the very end of the day
- seen a ballet at the Vienna Opera House for 4 euro

Seriously. My life is AWESOME. In Athens now, taking a ferry to Santorini tomorrow.

germany, austria, greece, vienna, berlin, beauty and the beast, czech republic, milton, athens, prague

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