my life rocks so incredibly it's impossible to describe

Feb 22, 2010 23:21

Since Saturday, I have:

-had a snowball fight in the courtyard of a castle
-people-watched in a Dublin pub
-been caught in a snowstorm
-walked along cliffs overlooking the Irish Sea
-climbed Bray Head
-more or less relived key scenes from a Diane Duane novel (not my favorite, but how often do you get to visit an obscure Irish town you only knew about because of a kid's fantasy book?)
-eaten the most delicious scone of my life
-traveled by bus, train, ferry, and foot
-tried my first Guinness
-had my first drink bought for me
-listened to live music for free
-watched my first-ever episode of Friends
-discussed the Holyhead Harpies quidditch team while in Holyhead (Sidenote: Holyhead is ghetto and those lady quidditch players are either all on steroids or the wizardly solution to juvenile delinquency...)

And it's not over yet! Tomorrow morning I leave Dublin for Galway and the fun will only continue. Expect more complete update, with details, when I return on Friday/Saturday.

conwy, travel, ireland, diane duane, young wizards, wales, dublin

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