(no subject)

Apr 08, 2009 15:10

Sometimes, I think I mostly want to have kids so that I can get to experience again the joy of discovering reading and favorite authors for the first time -- that first smile on a young child's face that says, this book is mine, and it will be a part of who I am and who I am becoming. And to know that the book is also a part of who I am and am becoming, all these years later, and to know that my kid is on the way to a grand adventure. I will feel myself a successful mother if my kids like good books.

(I'm thinking about this because I'm pulling contact info for YA writers for NaNoWriMo, and so many of them are writers I read as a kid and loved...and I wish I had the time to go back and read everything they'd read, but I don't, so I console myself that someday in the far distant future, the children will be the excuse!)

Okay. This is random. Now I have to get back to work.


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