Chemicals and other irritants

Mar 17, 2009 08:23

"Xylene exhibits neurological effects. High levels from exposure for acute (14 days or less) or chronic periods (more than 1 year) can cause headaches, lack of muscle coordination, dizziness, confusion, and changes in one's sense of balance. Exposure of people to high levels of xylene for short periods can also cause irritation of the skin, eyes, nose, and throat, difficulty in breathing and other problems with the lungs, delayed reaction time, memory difficulties, stomach discomfort, and possibly adverse effects on the liver and kidneys. It can cause unconsciousness and even death at very high levels (see inhalants). Xylene or products containing Xylene should not be used indoors or around food." --Wikipedia

And this is the stuff euphemistically called "type wash," which we use in printing to get ink off of type. In a very definitely indoor room, and with no windows open (in fact, while the room has beautiful windows that let in much-needed light, they are cemented shut--why this would happen is anyone's guess). And now my throat hurts! And frankly I'm a little scared.

(Also -- its flashpoint is a little over 70 degrees Fahrenheit! That's something actually achievable in a non-air conditioned room during the summer! Seriously!)

EDIT: And now my astro professor has just contradicted my GSI and informed me that we have two problem sets due on Thursday, instead of just the one that the GSI said would be due.

I HATE THIS CLASS! I don't know how they're allowed to continue with such terrible communication between GSIs and the professor. The GSIs don't know what they're doing. My GSI frequently states that he disagrees with the wording of a problem on homework or a test, but has no power to change them or even to give us more points for partial credit, because all our homework is graded by a single grader, whose identity has never been made known and with whom students in the class can have no contact! I have literally gone to the GSI for help, had him tell me I had the right answer, only to get marked down on the homework.

Today, I went to the prof for homework help (back when I only thought that I had one problem set due in two days), and mentioned that I was having trouble getting a question. His response was, "Well, that's a hard one. There's no shame in leaving it blank."

This is a 10-point problem on a 30-point homework assignment!!

And what bugs me the most about this is that it's astronomy--it's fascinating! I'm learning things, but not enough of them, and only by reading the textbook. I want to like this class! And there's no possible way for me to do that.

I'd scream, but my throat would hurt.

astronomy, chemistry, printing

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