(no subject)

Jul 06, 2008 13:28

Lauren has already posted about this here, but I figured I'd add my encouragement to anyone interested in participating.

The livejournal community livelongnmarry is doing something pretty extraordinary -- they're holding an auction to raise money to support marriage equality. Users can advertise goods and services they're willing to sell, and the winning bidder doesn't get what they've bought until they can show the seller proof that they've donated the purchase price to one of a number of organizations working to defeat the CA ballot initiative that would define marriage in the state of California as a union between a man and a woman. Some people are selling art, fanfiction, original fiction, care packages, photography, baked goods, arts 'n' crafts stuff, you get the picture.

As of the moment, I'm selling some oneshot fanfics and a novel.

A serial novel, to be precise, to be delivered one chapter at a time over the course of a year, with plot and characters built to your specifications.

I really, really hope someone buys it, because I can't think of a more awesome reason to write a novel.

EDIT: Well, no one's bid on the novel yet, but I just raised $10 through the sale of a fanfiction oneshot! I'm planning to sell off up to ten of those...I figure that's something I can reasonably expect myself to manage, even if (hopefully when) the novel gets bought.

fanfiction, politics, equality, writing

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