Eh...not much to say...

Jun 24, 2008 19:16

So I'm watching Angel right now, and so far it's amusing (though mostly for the eye candy -- I'd forgotten how good-looking David Boreanaz is). Today was my first day of job training at Nordstrom's, and everything seems to be going well. I'm looking forward to working there still, which I would consider a good thing. I haven't been doing too much else lately, other than trying to get in a short run every evening and reading books for review. Oh, and I got a hold of the amazing Jane Eyre movie that makes my life so much better.

I still don't have a work schedule but I want to see people! So you should call me. Yes. This is the lesson. :)

(And somewhere in all of this I have been writing -- not as much as I should but more than I have on previous occasions.)

nordstrom's, jane eyre, books, writing

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