(no subject)

Mar 16, 2008 12:38

The list of things I don't want to do looks awfully similar to the list of things I have to do for homework before break...

It's oddly weird to think that in less than a week I'll be home for a week. I know I'll be happy to see my family and friends again but it feels sudden. Oh well, I'm sure it will be all too short (isn't it always?) and I'll come back here before I'm ready to.

I went to a conference on children's literature yesterday, which was oodles of fun. My favorite was the panelist who did her paper about the "Oxford School of Children's Literature," where she connectd a particular English curriculum and atmosphere at Oxford University to the rise of what is today the typical medieval fantasy. She had a great argument for how people like Lewis and Tolkein, who both taught at Oxford, and many of their students, went on to write fantasy fiction based on old medievalist texts since that was what the Oxford English curriculum focused on at the time. (Yes I know that the fact that this excites me means I'm a geek but I'm completely alright with that.)

In other words, I have overdue library books for the first time in my life and I should go and see what I can do about that. I had the note to return them on my calendar...it just didn't get translated into real life very effectively.

Also, starting tonight I'm hosting two high school students from SoCal who're here for a retreat that one of the clubs I'm in is putting on. It'll be hectic because I have to show them around, etc. but it should be fun (I hope) and at least they'll get something out of it (again, I hope).

Who's going to be back in SoCal starting this Friday? I want to see you!

fantasy, english

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