Jun 21, 2006 21:10
i'm blogging because i should. that's just it. i should. there are actually random people who randomly read this thing who should know what is going on in my life. so for those two people, and for brad who has nothing better to do at work, i am going to blog.
ok, i'll just say it: Dave and I broke up. weird, i know. even weirder that i chose that sentence to be the only one that i properly punctuated, but really, that's besides the point. we met tonight to give back stuff to each other, and it was just plain strange. ok, awkward. it was. i mean, how do you look at a person and think, "you used to know everything, and now i can say nothing."
apart from the oddness that was tonight, i am doing so well. God has given me so much peace. i know that i'm walking in his will right now and i'm just enjoying not having to worry so much about keeping the homeostasis of my life in perfect condition.
i've gotten together with so many friends that i wouldn't have had time for before. really, my friends have just been beyond amazing. i don't even have time to feel like a lonely loser. in fact, i'm enjoying actually have a night where i don't have anything planned for once.
so i guess that's my blog entry about the break up. i'm going to talk about it this once, and from now on i'm just going to stay away from that topic. it's just a little too scary to say much on such a public forum. i want everyone to know what happened though, and i want them to know how good God is. He is so good.
for now, i'm just me again. just maggie. the single girl, like highschool. i'm happy to be here too. it's fun to look ahead at my life and think that i have no idea what will happen in it. and i don't have to worry about it at all either, God's got a goal for me!