Musecon is a relatively new convention--about five years old--in the Chicago area, focussing on crafts and creativity of all kinds. I've been wanting to go since I first heard about it several years ago. I decided that this was the year.
Got up far too early this morning, caught a shuttle to the airport, and flew to Chicago. The travel all went quite smoothly, but air travel in particular is pretty annoying these days.
Got to the hotel around 2:00, as expected/hoped, checked into my room, picked up my badge, hit the consuite for a belated lunch. Peanut butter and honey sandwich, plus a few veggies and dip.
I had signed up for two sessions this afternoon. Wood carving was up first, at 3:00. It was kind of disorganized, but I did learn some stuff. Not a craft I expect to take up regularly, however. Next up, at 4:30, was basic chain mail weaving. That was much better and a lot of fun. I now have a small pendant that I made, and I'm plotting to make a bracelet for a friend. It won't be a major craft of mine, but a nice occasional hobby.
Then came dinner. The hotel restaurant(s) are rather pricey, but the Cajun roast beef sandwich was very good and very filling. Then back to my room to crash for a bit.
After a half-hour nap, I ventured down to the workshop room to do the first of the un-scheduled "open builds" that I had signed up for, a small stained glass pendant. That was kind of fun, but also a bit frustrating. I really loved the big (and expensive) stained glass projects that are available, but had decided not to get too ambitious. They're even nicer in person than they were in the pictures, and I'm tempted. I do have most of tomorrow afternoon free, so I'm thinking it over. I was able to cancel the build-a-robot open build that I had signed up for, since I realized over a month ago that it was way beyond me, and got a refund on that, so I have some money left over in the con budget. We'll see.
I think I'm in for the night now. Big day tomorrow!
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dreamwidth, where there are
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