Got a call this morning at the reference desk that went like this:
Patron: I want to reserve a book
Me: Sure. What's the title?
Patron: My name is Mary Sutter
Me: ...
Patron: I lost the piece of paper. The author is Rayna Oliver--no, Olivier [scrabbling paper]
Me: [give up on getting the title, search the catalog by author. No entry. Just as I'm about to say that...]
Patron: No, the author's name is Robin Oliveira
Me: [not at all sure how to spell that name] What's the title?
Patron: My name is Mary Sutter
Me: [as patiently as possible] Yes, but what is the title of the book?
Patron: Oh! That is the title. I'm So-and-so.
That's right, there is a book titled My Name Is Mary Sutter. Which I duly reserved for her.
(A lot of callers will start off, "My name is Such-and-such; I want to reserve a book." In fact, I had one of those a little later this morning. So you can see why I was confused.)
Crossposted from
dreamwidth, where there are
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