Why am I doing this, when Saixene is my official OTP? I have no idea. Probably because Sairi/Kaix is just as fascinating to me. Maybe it's just Saix... There's something about that guy...
Anyway. I was up until 1AM last night doing most of the lineart for this, and another three horus or so in inking and colouring. Also, I recently got a white gel pen, so I've started using that for highlights... Feedback on the matter would be appreciated.
Without further ado...
Apologies for the weird colours... I need to get a bigger set of watercolour pencils. Twelve colours, no matter how much experience I'm getting blending them, just isn't cutting it. Anyway...
Dedicated to Syretia, because she's got me all fascinated with this pairing. And because her Saix/Kairi is made of win and awesome.