I'm going to blame Isaac Asimov for the lack of progress on the fanart today. (And progress will be slower for a while since I have to focus on revision for my exams. I'll still chip in an hour or so where I can, though.) And since it's late already, I don't think that starting a cutscene analysis would be the best idea.
So, instead, I'm going to toss some thoughts out there.
I've long puzzled over the precise nature of Oblivion. Its abilities appear to be all over the place -- we see that it acts as a fairly featureless void for those who can resist its effects, but there's also an alternate dimension when Vincent is tossed in for the...I think it's the fourth time. Nero says that it can absorb or extract almost anything; Shelke through Usher reports that it awakens your worst memories and make you feel like you're dying. We also see that Nero uses it to teleport.
This seems like a peculiarly wide range of abilities when you compare it with the abilities of Chaos. I concede that Vincent may never have harnessed the full abilities of Chaos, whether because he never tested them or whether he was just incapable of using them for whatever reason (given that Hojo reports that Vincent has a near-indestructible body, it seems unlikely that physical form was a restraint, but anything's possible, I suppose), but it still seems odd.
I was talking to Mo (S and G, some of you may know him as -- the writer of the Deepground history article that we all love so much), and he mentioned that Jenova was able to teleport. It got me thinking that perhaps Oblivion's powers aren't solely due to the stagnant Lifestream that Nero absorbed in the womb. Maybe the J-cells that Nero would eventually be enhanced with affected Oblivion's powers. I don't know enough about Jenova to speculate on what precisely the effects might have been, but perhaps some of you guys do. The only thing I can say for certain is that the absorbtion/void ability is definitely a stagnant Lifestream thing, given that the darkness absorbed Nero's mother when he was born.
So, guys, what are your thoughts?