Hey everyone! Sorry this is going up late. My weekend has not gone as expected. ANYWAY, I hope everyone has been enjoying Emily of New Moon as much as Anne of Green Gables. This is actually my first time reading Emily, so I'm really glad I had this community to motivate me!
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1. What did you think of book overall compared to Emily of New Moon? Did you like it more or less?
I really liked Emily of New Moon, but I liked this one even more. I loved seeing Emily more grown up, and I definitely appreciated the lack of spelling errors in her writing as she got older (that sounds shallow, but it's true, that did bug me a little in Emily of New Moon).
2. Did you think the bargain Emily had to make with Aunt Elizabeth in order to go to school was fair? Would you have been able to make a similar promise if you were in Emily's shoes?
I think the original demand from Aunt Elizabeth was too much, but I like the compromise they came to. And in the end, it definitely helped Emily with her writing, so I think it was for the best. Plus, there are certainly worse bargains she could have made.
3. What about the new setting and living with Aunt Ruth? Did you miss New Moon, or were Emily's trips home enough for you? What did you think of Aunt Ruth in general, now that we ( ... )
I really like that scene with Emily and Cousin Jimmy when she gets locked out, too. I am always a fan of scenes where people talk.
I looooove that scene! Definitely an easy favorite. I love the entire visual of them with the doughnuts, and how she says it's hard to be as angry because of them. IDK, IT WAS JUST SWEET. How he kind of let her come to her own realizations. I love them together!
THIS. Communication = always a good thing.
Haha, I just love LMM uses that as a sign of growth! Like with Davy's letters in the Anne books.
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