Ok so I know you guys in the States have probably seen this, but bear with my time-laggy British excitement here.
Go to the bottom of the pointless article for the trailer.
http://sciencefiction.com/2012/09/09/supernatural-season-8-promo-what-happens-in-purgatory-doesnt-stay-in-purgatory/ YES PLZ.
Kevin Tran! Cas! Crowley! I am soooo stoked for this. I could actually do with a feel-good Season right about now. And it kind of looks that way. No more betrayals, anguish, absent God stuff for a while....Winchesters and friends go on badass adventure with rock soundtrack, plz and thank you. But what is up with that Star Wars-esque title screen? Don't tell me they're going with that for the opener? What's the thinking there, Earth is old now, we want something with COSMIC SIGNIFICANCE? Lol. Maybe I'm being over-optimistic but I sense in my mind that I will make sweet love to this season. I mean, Seven was better than Six. By a LOT. So eight will be even better, yes? This is how it works. Artistically, probably nothing will ever beat the crushing Lear-esque denouement of Five, but seeing as Swan Song left me a blubbering soggy mess into the actual next day, I'm wondering if Seven could be the comedy to Five's tragedy?
WHY ISN'T OCTOBER THIRD YET? WHY MUST I WAIT FOR THIS? DOESN'T JEREMY CARVER KNOW I NEED IT IN ME NOW? *breaks refresh button on trailer hoping to make it somehow continue*