Free Speech vs Do no Harm

Mar 02, 2010 08:07

Not so long ago I was reading a discussion on metafandom about fiction dealing with abuse. The poster had experience of this trauma and wanted to talk about some of the (dire) misconceptions that come up time and time again in fic - which make at best a bad story, and at worst a triggery insult. Now I can kind of see both sides of this. Part of the beauty of fandom is that you do what you want with beloved characters and put it out there as a gift. No money changing hands. Nonetheless, I do believe that when you publish something you become responsible for those words to some extent - obviously not totally responsible for their impact, that's impossible and would silence communicaton.
Most of my adolescence was destroyed by anorexia - one of the most misunderstood, and most talked about mental illness in the Western world. I've sort of gotten immune to the more insulting stereotypes - that it's to do with fashion, shallow girls who want to look like models, that it's a female disease, etc etc etc. There is a *lot* of bad fic out there concerning EDs. Usually I avoid it. Occasionaly, if it's by a writer I like, I'll click and be pleased or disappointed. I don't think I get traumatised or insulted. I don't want to tell anyone what they should or shouldn't write about. I don't think I 've got authority to do that. But honestly? Fic that deals with anorexia in a shallow way is just - bad fic. Boring. Silly. So - if anyone reads this who is considering a fic involving it, a few pointers. Link this to anywhere.

1) anorexia does not just happen. The risk factors involve a perfectionist personality, a trauma such as bereavement or divorce, high intelligence, self-interest, a strong will, and a desire to please/perform.

2) anorexia is a control game gone wrong

3) anorexics do not want to look like fashion models. They usually don't give a crap about them. Take a class of 13 year olds. The potential anorexic is not the girl giggling over a magazine - it's the boy or girl at the back of the class with their books, hood up, trying to study through the chaos.

4) If they anorexic recovers, it does not happen overnight. Nope, not even if they have magic healing sex with the other half of their OTP. Actually anorexics have no sex drive, and fear their own sexuality. If the anorexic recovers, it's a matter of years. And an entire rebuilding of the person.

5) Mental health institutions are hell. No one is there by choice, and no one walks out when they feel like it. There are locks, for one thing.

6) Post anorexia, the person is never the same.

If you want to write *good* fic involving anorexia, the best thing you can do is talk to some former anorexics. If you don't care about any of this, and just want to amuse yourself and your readers, well, fair enough. Might want to include it in your header though, so people know what kind of fic they're getting in for.

personal, fandom, politics

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