Flattery will get you everywhere....Fic stuff, academia

Jan 01, 2011 13:26

By popular demand (ok ok, six readers. Six *independent* readers whom so far as I know haven't been talking to each other) I am`thinking hard about a sequel to 'Events in Sun and Shadows'. I must admit I find the Ben/Adam pairing intruiging and underused. Plus, last night, I had the *weirdest* dream about these monsters who kind of have one face in our world, but they also exist in another dimension, and sometimes with great effort they can sort of pierce the veil and grab you from the other side. They had these complex rituals by which they capture people who used to be human and make them into monsters. For some reason I could see their true identities in the real world (I think because the dream was going backwards chronologically and by the time I knew who they were in the real world they'd already captured me) and they had this signal they were doing to each other to indicate whom they wanted to capture...pointing to their arms because they cut you on the forearm as part of their ritual. They could totally be monsters in the fic verse, y/y? I'm mixing ideas around in my head. Watch this space.

Can't promise amazing sex scenes, though I will do my best. I have an odd problem, in that whilst I have a generally high opinion of sex in real life, I find it very hard to write without making it sound ridiculous. When I was younger I assumed experience would rectify the problem, but if anything it's made it worse. Posssibly because I hold what is in this culture something of a minority view: that sex, whilst generally a good thing, isn't actually that big a deal. Like I don't think it's the master key to identity or reality or anything. I'm currently reading all the Foucault I can find because he's the main theorist I'm using in my Phd and I've been relieved to discover that actually, our culture is quite unusual in the amount of importance or interpretative weight it places on sex. One reason ancient Athens seems so 'tolerant' by our standards is that they didn't place anything like the *importance* on sex that we do. Contrary to popular belief. They were actually much more concerned with eating and drinking, and what that said about a person's character, morality, secret interior, etc.

Oh btw - to my regular readers - Zara is much better today. Still limping but a lot less pronounced, putting weight on her leg, playing and purring as usual. So I guess the vet was correct and she was just bruised. Phew.

personal, fandom, animals, academia

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