Sep 17, 2013 07:25
Last night Habibi flew into a rage and scratched both me and Zara. I believe it was the sight of another cat on her territory (they were in the garden pen). My God, can that cat fight. There's not a mark on her. Zara has a scratch down the side of her nose. It didn't bleed much - I wiped it with antibacterial scrub and it looks to have closed up fine. Luckily it missed the nose and eye. Then when I tried to stop them (dumb I know) Habibi clawed down the side of my finger. It hurts a lot for a scratch.
I suppose I shouldn't be angry with her. She was, after all, a stray who had to fight to live. Maybe one of the local cats looks or smells like a cat that threatened her or her babies. Zara seems to be over it (I gave her a million Dreamies and a big fuss). But I'm just kind of...shocked by the contrast. Bibi can be SO sweet and SO cuddly. But when she's truly scared and Ferocity.
This morning it's like nothing ever happened.