So I finally watched the first episode of Buffy.

Jul 03, 2013 07:11

I know, I know, how could I have not seen it, but in my defense, it wasn't quite as big on this side of the pond and in 1997 I was only 10. But hey, gotta do something to pass the hellatus, and I've been meaning to start for a while.

I....didn't love it.

I mean it was good. It was a good pilot. But I was reeallly hoping I'd be like OMFG NEW LOVE LET ME EMBRACE YOU and that...didn't happen. Maybe SPN spoiled it for me even though it came later, because the combination of po-mo comedy and ironic quest narrative with epic structure belongs to my SPN heart. Also - no obvious slash material. I know that will come later (everyone talks about Spike/Angel, right? When will that start? Is it good?) but it wasn't like the Pilot of SPN when the lovers brothers reunite with all that sexy friction and misunderstanding and good stuff. In short, SPN spoiled me for cult TV forever by being the exact story that my Id would write if given the budget.

No but srsly. WHAT SHALL I WATCH DURING HELLATUS? Shall I carry on with Buffy? I did like it. I liked Willow and Giles especially and of course it's good to see a girl protagonist. (Kind of annoyed me that the high school kids are meant to be 16 though. They look about 22). If not, what shall I watch to feed my Id? (Appropriate book suggestions also welcome, though because I spend all my working day reading when I'm not teaching or writing, sometimes I like to watch something for a change-up).


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