Have you guys seen Misha's latest Youtube offering?

Jan 22, 2013 20:20

How did I know he would be this kind of parent? I don't want kids but if I did this would be the only way I'd be capable of doing it. I find this hilarious because my parents were like the opposite of this. I swear I was crying with laughter when the caption said 'five hours later we get back from the shop'. Also one of the comments is like OMG I hope they don't just let him do what he wants all the time. Actually if I had a kid I probably would let them do what they want all the time and just see how they turned out. (One total cheat in this video though. The caption promised that whatever West chose is what they would make dinner out of. I didn't see any consumed flowers at dinner. Also I'm pretty sure West ate the lone sprout of his own accord)

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lol, spn, wtf

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