Mar 27, 2006 16:53
This is a post from Lianne:
Alright, here we go! I've gone with the Suma passage (Tyler p 233, from "Approaching the mirror stand..." or Seidensticker p 224, "As he combed his hair...". Sorry, I haven't the Waley page references for you old-fashioned types) and taken this from the Shibuya site because I'm too lazy to go to the library.
My plan is to wait a couple of days and then post my parsing and translation of at least the first sentence, and anyone who wants to can do the same, and then it's open for comments and/or pleas for help, depending on how well it goes. It would be awesome if people who are reading along give their alternate interpretations/criticism/hair-pulling, while people who don't read classical Japanese can ask questions/give comments if they're interested.
If someone with a livejournal account could post this to the main page, that would be great!