Dear Reader,
Thank you for coming on this journey with me. I learned a lot, read a lot, and I think I'm getting better at blogging in a more "professional" way (psh, who am I kidding, ya'll know my life story or at least stories about me that are only the most barely related to the book I'm reading).
I read amazing fiction books the likes of which I had not devoured since 4th grade. I waded through memoirs, young adult novels, oldies but goodies, and essay collections. I waited until the last minute to review my last book and I felt like I was back in college, writing under the deadline. I read through bus stops, elevator floors, work days, long nights, early mornings, plane rides, and trains to the suburbs. I joined a book club at work and I read for potluck club. I swapped stories with my mom and asked just about anybody who would listen to tell me what they were reading and then I ran to the library and checked it out. I ran up my tab at the library at least another 20 dollars.
But I'm so glad I did. And I miss reading this year. I want to have something that keeps my mind engaged. I hope to pursue reading at my own pace this year, and focus on the classics. And I don't feel smarter but I do feel more... well rounded. Elitest. Whatever.
Thanks, Pajiba. You made me remember what it's like to be a reader, and I am happy to have had the chance to reconnect with that side of myself for a good cause.
Love and bookmarks,