
May 10, 2004 19:22

Noticed in several journals, most recently fernwithy:

You are a GRAMMAR GOD!

If your mission in life is not already to
preserve the English tongue, it should be.
Congratulations and thank you!

How grammatically sound are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You know, I would venture to guess that the only ones who actually post these results are the ones who receive the exalted status of "Grammar God".... :) And to think, it was only three or four years ago that I would occasionally confuse my "its" and "it's." My younger siblings are forever being told "fewer, not less" or "many, not much" - they must be quite fed up with me.

Of course, reading so much fanfiction written by those of British origins is actually beginning to have an affect on my grammar; I occasionally put my commas after the quotation marks when quoting just one or two words, simply because it makes so much more sense that way, and I forget that in America that's grammatically incorrect.

In any case.

College is going fairly well, my tutoring job has been working out nicely and has been providing me with a much-needed source of income, and my original writing has been untouched for far too long. I should really restrict my Internet usage so as to force myself to spend more time writing....
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