Sep 11, 2008 23:16 is offering an advertising print promotion to readerjack authors.
We are seeking book covers to be printed on a poster that will be viewed by a large audience and distributed throughout the US and Canada.
Open to books hosted on the web site. Host your work and book cover on the readerjack site, and we will print the book cover on the poster. It costs between $40 and $20 per year, depending on the term, to host a work on the site. Reasonable, since you receive an ISBN and you do not have to postage anything.
There is no cost or catch for this promotion; we simply are promoting our authors. As space is on a poster is limited, hosting your work does not guarantee a spot on this or any other promotion. Depending on response more poster promotions may be available.
We are sending this same notice out intermittently, to include new members joining the group and we will update you when the poster promotion is full.