The brand new Readercon website has been launched, with the same familiar URL but a great new design: Our webmaster, David Shaw, redesigned the site to use adaptive design, which means it will look great on any device: desktop, laptop, tablet, even your phone. No separate mobile site needed. Check it out on every device you have!
The site has also been updated with all the information about Readercon 24. We're
delighted to announce that GOHs Maureen F. McHugh and Patricia A. McKillip will be "joined" by memorial GOH Roger Zelazny. Our
registration rate structure now has three simple tiers: now through mid-February (until Boskone, for those of you in the Boston area), mid-February to mid-June, and at the door. You can also find
this year's hotel rates, a fully updated list of
board and committee members, and everything else you need to know about the upcoming Readercon.
We'd love to know more about who's coming to Readercon in 2013. Are you a regular coming back, a first-timer, or a long-ago attendee wondering how it's changed? Are you interested in being on the program or running a table in the Bookshop? Will you be on your own, having a romantic book-filled long weekend with your literary-minded SO, or dragging all your friends along? Why are you interested in attending Readercon? Leave a comment and let us know!