Cant Have everything Can we?

Jan 10, 2005 09:03

I remember sitting in texas and thinking, I hate not being able to do well in school, Everything would be going good if it wasnt for school. It seemed all my lifes problems were centered around It, Now that Im doing well, I have found that Nature has a way of making you feel like crap, Even when you think everything is good. Before I took my trip to texas, I let a buddy borrow my amp, Its been three weeks now, And i cant get him to call me back, I think somethings up. And i know where he works, so i tried to get out there yesterday, but Shit came up and i didnt have a ride. Then, Im having sara Crap, If we dont get back together today, Which I seriously doubt we are, Im giving up on her, and presuing somebody else. Oh and i took my guitar apart, so i can work on it, and Ive lost a peice! That BLOWS! HARD, and then in school, Im probbably not going to be exempt from as much as i expected. So Im gonna have to go to school Tuesday,first period, And thursday 6th period.Unless i can preform a miracle and convince The most stuborn Teacher in the school that i wasnt absent. Ive herd students talking to teachers, and the teacher agree completley with the student, The teacher then ask what teacher, "Mrs. Warren." and the TEACHER say, "Oh, nvm." That was funny stuff. Ive lost my original point, I think it was to say Ive been aggrivated. I think its about time to make some stuff happen.

In the time Ive sat here, Ive thought about why the hell i want to be with sara, And i cant think of anything real. She has problems that i cant really help, She has no social intelegence, I dont think she's seen any movie, or herd any song that i talk about or refer to yet. The only reason Id want to be with her is because Its easy, She lives on my walk home, I can see a lot at school, and there is about an hour and a half afterschool everyday before her parents get home and i have to be out. When we talk we usually get a lot said, But not as much as I can get said with some other people. Im not going to be with Sara,I dont need her.
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