fic: Untitled, Draco/Hermione, R

Aug 10, 2007 13:53

Trying my imagination once again with this couple. Tell me what you think! It's unbetad so if you wanna be my beta then tell me =). Any name suggestions will be appreciated.

TITLE: untitled
RATING: R - maybe.
SUMMARY: Voldemort has captured Draco and decides to give him a second chance to prove his loyalty but Draco decides otherwise.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters. All new characters belong to me.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: After HBP. DH never happened. This has been something that’s been brewing back of my mind since the sixth book. My goal was to make this as believable as possible so if you notice any mistakes on grammar or something just doesn’t fit, please let me know. Also if there are mistakes on trivial parts (spells, rules and such) of this universe, let me know. I hope you all enjoy the story.

UNTITLED / chapter 1

“Do you realize your duty, boy?” Draco heard Voldemort hiss but he didn’t dare to look up.

“Yes, my Lord,” he replied, keeping his voice steady, but his mind was already coming up a plan.

“Then do so,” another hiss told him and he quickly left the room with the invisibility cloak that he had received. After he was gone Voldemort spoke again. “Langworth. Allers. Follow the boy. If he does anything else than he is supposed to, kill him and kill the girl.”

“Yes, my Lord,” a middle-aged, balding man and a skinny man with bulging eyes replied at the same time and left the room as quickly as Draco had.

- - - - - -

Hermione was getting ready to bed. Her parents were away for the evening and even thought they said that they wouldn’t be too late, she decided not to wait up for them. She had locked the door, brushed her teeth and changed for the bed already when she heard a knock on the door.

She knew her parents had their keys with them so it couldn’t be them. Pulling a light dressing gown over her sports bra and boxer shorts, she headed towards the door. Looking through the window by the door, she saw no one but when the knocking came for the second time, she was sure that it wasn’t just some kids playing tricks.

“Just a second!” she yelled and unlocking the door. She opened the door just enough for her to see who was behind it. She saw no one. She opened the door a little bit more and suddenly felt herself being pushed backwards.

“Petrificus totalus!” she heard and a second later found herself unable to move. She was terrified. How could she been so stupid? Opening the door at this hour, knowing what kind of dark wizards were out there…

The door was slammed shut and what appeared to be an invisibility cloak was removed. Hermione’s eyes went wide. Draco Malfoy was staring at her and then went to check the other rooms in the house.

When he came back empty handed he looked a little relieved. “If I lift the spell, Granger, promise me that you won’t scream or run away.”

She couldn’t move but she sure as hell wasn’t going to promise anything like that. Draco lifted the spell with “finite incantatum” and as soon as she was able to move she lunged for the stairway to upstairs towards her room. Draco ran after her and got a hold of her dressing gown but she quickly removed it. However, few steps later Draco got a hold of her and dragged her back down. She started to scream and Draco had no choice but to put his hand over her mouth so that the neighbors wouldn’t hear.

He decided to drag her away from the stairways and towards a room that seem to be the living room. He had his other hand on Hermione’s mouth and other around her middle, pinning her arms to her sides. She struggled against him but he just held her tighter, her back pressed against his chest.

His breath was hot against his ear as he whispered, “Stop fighting, I didn’t came here to fight. I’m going to remove my hand from your mouth and let you go but don’t you dare to try anything.”

Hermione nodded quickly but she knew what to do. It was her house after all, her field. One quick look didn’t mean he knew it from top to bottom. She knew her wand was in her room and that’s where she needed to head to. He carefully removed his hand from her mouth and she was quiet. When he let go of her she turned to look at him and he smiled.

He saw the slight fear in her eyes but also determination and courage. She was a Gryffindor to the core. She backed away from her few steps, which was good since he didn’t want to be any closer to her than needed. But his smile didn’t last long.

Quickly she turned around and ran towards the door, towards the stairs. He ran after her but didn’t catch her until she was at upstairs. This time he decided not to drag her downstairs but pressed her back against the floor while he sat on her, pinning her to the floor, her wrists above her head.

“Get off me, ferret face! Get away from me!” Hermione screamed and with both hands busy, Draco could only think one way to shut her up.

He kissed her. Hard. She bit him. Hard.

“Bitch! What the hell was that for?” Draco yelled and ignored the fact that he had Gryffindor know-it-all princess under him half dressed.

“That was for kissing me!” Hermione yelled back and once again tried to get away from him. Draco didn’t budge.

“No wonder you have no boyfriend.” Draco gathered his thoughts and took a deep breath. “Just listen.”

“Why are you here, Malfoy?” Anger burned in her eyes. She once again tried to get away from him.

“The Dark Lord gave me a mission,” he said quietly and tried very hard to ignore her wiggling. He may be pureblooded and she may be lower than him but it didn’t mean he wasn’t affected by her body at all. He wasn’t dead!

“A mission? What is it? Is it to kill me?” Hermione asked and seeing him to look away and hearing no answer, she realized, “It is, isn’t it?”

“Yeah,” Draco admitted and looked into her eyes. She saw determination, “But not anymore. I’m here to save your mudblooded ass.”

ship: draco/hermione, fic: untitled

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