Ryan's big family

May 31, 2007 12:01

At the end of OC's season 4 I started to think how big Ryan's family is. And it's huge! And on some lever it's really f*ed up. First there's his original family. Dawn (mom), Frank (dad) and Trey (brother). Then Frank and Julie went together and had a baby (as far as I know). Julie already has two kids (or had two, now has one), Marissa and Kaitlin. Ryan dated Marissa. Julie also was married to Caleb who has three daughters (not Julie's). Hailey and Kirsten are from one marriage and then he has Lindsay. Ryan dated Lindsay. Hailey dated Jimmy (or still dates, I'm not sure about that). Julie also was/is engaged to Bullit. Kirsten is married to Sandy and they have three kids. Sophie and Seth are their own and they adopted Ryan. Seth is engaged (right?) to Summer. Summer's dad is Neil. So lets count, shall we? Ryan has three "moms". His biological (Dawn), his adoptive (Kirsten) and kinda mom (Julie) through his half brother or sister. He has at least five siblings, two aunts, two dads, and a granddad. And they all have connections. I think the only ones not really connected to other family members are Summer (who is Ryan's sister-in-law or something) and Taylor. Her and Ryan's relationship was kinda left open. Anyhow... is really big family.

Peace out!
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