I should so be sleeping right now...

Oct 28, 2006 01:38

...but I have to do this rant. So click the cut if you're interested what I think after 1:30 AM.

Yeah, my rant... First I'd like to talk about my... ships. Like I haven't done that in awhile. Please, it's not that boring. I'll just give my rant on each of them. Oh dear, this is going to be a long post.

Okay, so I guess all my ships are some kind of variations of Romeo and Juliet. I guess I have to admit that Shakespeare was a good playwriter when he came up with that story.

Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rant: Yeah... these two... I've always seen these two as a perfect match. I never saw any other pairing for them. I mean ultimately. I must admit that I've toyed with the idea of Hermione/Viktor, Hermione/Blaise, and even *gasp* Hermione/Fred. Not with George, though. Don't know why. They are their enemies. In school and in war. Draco is a Death Eater (book six) or going to be. Hermione fights with Harry. They are Gryffindor and Slytherin. But still they are so much alike. They're both very smart (Draco's intelligence was proven in book six), they are both only child in their families (I don't remember any mentions of siblings), and so forth. I absolutely adore this couple and there is too many good writers to just point one out. This is UC. When you don't like your fandom's CC, go UC.

Pairing: Michael Guerin/Maria DeLuca
Fandom: Roswell
Rant: One of my very first ships. CC (one of the few I got). They have this electricity between them that no one can miss. They fight and they make up. They didn't give in just like that. And what's more important, they didn't just decide 'I love him/her'. Max and Liz was just like this. Max was in love with her before they've even had a decent conversation. And after few flashes Liz was smitten. That's not how relationships form. Maria and Michael got it right. They fought, they ignored, they felt the attraction, they fought some more... And they got together. They got the order right and that's why they didn't have any (or so many) major crisis in their relationship. DocPaul is a perfect ficwriter with this ship.

Pairing: Ray Barnett/Neela Rasgotra
Fandom: ER
Rant: Oh, the Roomies. They're completely opposites of each other and still they work perfectly with each other. Even thought this isn't CC (I'd like to add 'yet' but I don't want to jinx it) many have seen how they seem to only complete each other. Not long rant but still... I'm tired. Too many good writers.

Pairing: Alec McDowell (X5-494)/Max Guevera (X5-452)
Fandom: Dark Angel
Rant: They fight, they watch each others backs, they fight some more, they trust each other, they were breeding partners... I bet on the third season (if there was gonna be one) they would've been together. I guess I'm tired because my brain is shutting down and I can't seem to write more of this UC couple. But a fic writer named Valjean is fantastic with them so check her stories out.

Pairing: Steven Hyde/Jackie Burkhart
Fandom: That '70s Show
Rant: Another CC. What can I say? Fight, push, pull, give in = another perfect couple. Brain. Shutting down. Sorry. Too many good writers.

Pairing: John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Rant: From the very first episode I was hooked on this couple. Not CC but I hope I can add the word 'yet'. There just have been too many hints on the show supporting this shipper. They are both fighters and leaders of their people and they understand each other. Plus the stick fighting. Gotta love the stick fighting. And they have trust. Again, brain is shutting down. I'll write more when it's up again. Too many good writers.

Pairing: Ryan Atwood/Summer Roberts
Fandom: The O.C.
Rant: My latest UC. They complement each other. They are good for each other. They have understanding and even thought they are so different they also are so alike. Who can argue with that? Brain. Shutting down. Check out lj-users missmara and bonnied.

Pairing: Charlie Pace/Claire Littleton
Fandom: Lost
Rant: I'd like to say that this couple is already CC. Ah, I'm going to say it anyway. CC. Some might say that first-time mother and an addict are not a good match but I say they are. Charlie needs Claire and her son and they need Charlie. They understand each other. They both have their shadows and dark closets and to them it's okay. They don't try to fix each other. Them being together fixes them. I can't understand why some people prefer Jack/Kate over them. Too many good writers.

Pairing: Jayne Cobb/River Tam
Fandom: Firefly
Rant: Both deadly, both has flaws, both has dark pasts. They so could fight each other's enemies. Damn, brain acting up again. So sorry. Check out lj-user lady-cleo2001.

Pairing: John Connor/Kate Brewster
Fandom: Terminator 3
Rant: What ever they did, they couldn't fight the outcome. They still ended up together. If that doesn't say it all, what will? I swear I had more but now my brain is fried when it comes to this ship. CC. Too many good writers.

Pairing: Wolf/Virginia Lewis
Fandom: The 10th Kingdom
Rant: CC. Virginia fights against Wolf's charms and fails. Happy ending. Saving the girl more than once. Mistakes are made. My brain is fried. Too many good writers.

Pairing: Lex Luthor/Chloe Sullivan
Fandom: Smallville
Rant: Again a couple that complements each other. UC. My brain is fried. So sorry. Many good writers, check them out!

Pairing: Connor Angel/Dawn Summers
Fandom: Angel / Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Rant: UC, since they never even met. They are different (Connor all dark thoughts and broody, Dawn is girly and somewhat happy) but still they are pretty alike. Again, brain fried. Many good writers.

So there are my 13 shippers. I'd give links to livejournals and webpages but frankly I'm tired! I'll rant more tomorrow. It'd be more than just shippers.



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