80 useless facts

Jun 25, 2008 04:28

80 useless facts about me. Go read if you wanna waste time or know me better.

Whats your middle name?

How big is your bed?

What are you listening to right now?
The sounds of library.

What are the last 4 digits in your phone number?

What was the last thing you ate?
Fried egg between two slices of rye bread.

Last person you hugged?
My dad...

How is the weather right now?
Interesting. It seems like it might rain at any minute and I think few drops has already landed.

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My mom.

What is the first thing u notice in the opposite sex?
The body. It's only natural!

Favorite type of Food?

Do you want children?

Do you drink?

Ever get so drunk you don't remember the entire night?

Hair color?
Dark brown with highlights right now. It will change. I once had it dark purple.

Eye color?
Green or blue. I swear they change!

Do you wear contacts/glasses?
No, I don't need them.

Favorite holiday?
Christmas on winter and Midsummer Day on summer.

Favorite season?
Summer or autumn.

Have you ever cried over a girl/boy?

Last Movie you Watched?
Don't remember actually. I guess it wasn't that good...

What books are you reading?
Damn, I have lots of books on my list right now and reading several of them. But the one I'm reading to get finished right now is Stephenie Meyer's New Moon.

Three on my right ear, two on my left. I promised my great grandmom that I wouldn't get more so that's it for me.

Favorite Movie?
I love many but Stargate is always the one I can watch and never get tired of it.

Favorite college football Team?
Umm, don't have any since I don't follow the sport.

What were you doing before filling this out?
Reading my emails.

Any pets?
Does a brother count? Can't have any since my siblings are allergick.

Dogs or cats?

Favorite Flower?
Poppy. Or roses. Or apple flowers.

Have you ever loved someone?
Not romatically.

Who would you like to see right now?
My niece.

Have you ever fired a gun?
No. Love to someday just to see how it feels. To get it out of my system.

Do you like to travel by plane?
Yes. By train too.

Right-handed or Left-handed?
Right handed.

If you could go to any place right now where would you go?
To Stargate Atlantis' set.

Are you missing someone?
My niece.

Do you have a tattoo?
No. I'm not against them, though.

What is the wallpaper on your cellphone?
Now it's this light blue thing I made.

Did you get enough sleep last night?

First thing you thought about this morning?
"Shit." Mom told me that digibox didn't record the whole Freddie Mercury Memorial Concert because the program before it went 35 min overtime. I think it was soccer. One more reason not to like the sport.

What do you have handy at your bedside?
My cellphone and a book.

Grilled or fried?
Grilled. Tastes better.

What makes you unique?
Me. The whole package is unique.

Are you afraid of the dark?
No. Unless I hear something weird.

Favourite hangout?
The terrace at our backyard. Why I don't spend more time there beats me.

3 things you can't live without?
My computer. My wallet. My phone.

Favourite song?
Too many of them. Can't say.

What are you afraid of?
Losing someone close to me.

Are you a giver or a taker?
Giver, I hope.

What are your nicknames?
Don't have nicknames.

What is your dad's middle name?

What's your mother's middle name?

Stuck on a deserted island and could take one thing?
A boat so that I could get out of there.

Favourite T.V. commercial?
Finnish VR ones. The stone men are hilarious!

First thing you'll save in a fire?
My family and then if I have time, my computer.

Whats your favorite color?
Sky blue, dark blue or black. I also enjoy grey.

What are the things you always take with you?
Cellphone, wallet and memorystick.

What did you wanne be when you were a kid?
A pediatrician, then a fighter pilot, then a pilot.

The color of your bedsheet?
White at the moment.

What do you think about before you go to bed?
Not much. Usually the day. If I need to distract myself I plan fics.
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