May 06, 2006 19:04
The bleeding has subsided - thank god. I was very concerned for a while that I was going through an abnormal recovery but everytime I change my gauze, there is less blood. Nick told me today he had the same problem when he took a tooth out he had at the roof of his mouth, too. But, the last time I went to drink a shake, no blood came out at all. By tomorrow, I should - hopefully - be comfortable enough to talk.
I miss talking. I am a talker! I feel really handicapped, even by the small things. I like to say "thank you" and "you're welcomed." At the pharmacy, it revealed itself. "Credit or debit," she asked when I swiped my card. I couldn't say, so I raised my index finger. It took her a minute for her to realize I meant 1, debit. Also, I am getting really sick of shakes. I am downing them by the gallons and I think the people at the deli believe I have a serious addiction since I keep buying them in bulk. I have Vienna sausuges later I'm going to cut and eat, along with a banana, maybe something else, and of course a shake to down it all. I miss real food.
Other than that, I'm fine. Best of all, I'm in no pain. I have a bottle of Vicodin I'm leaving untapped. No need for it. And I haven't had any problems sleeping.
All I wish is I could talk to my mommy. :(