I am a lucky girl indeed.

Apr 10, 2011 21:31

I just received an entirely lovely fic from glomp_fest. Such a sweet and wonderful end to my weekend.

Title: All Things Familiar
Recipient: readbeforesleep
Author: glimmergirl
Rating: R
Pairings: Bradley/Colin
Word Count: ~3200
Warnings: ... a tiny adorb baby?
Summary: Wherein there is an early morning, a couple plush dinosaurs, and an early evening.
Author's Notes: Your request was so adorable, readbeforesleep! Here's the prompt I went with -- Merlin/Colin has successful acting career, Arthur/Bradley has chosen to stay home to raise their adopted/surrogate children. Basically schmoopy, lovely daddy Arthur/Bradley with adoring, proud husband Merlin/Colin. -- I hope the story fills it happily for you. *gleeful glomp* :D Thanks to kivrin for reading alllllll the drafts. (Also, all my info about Irish names comes from here. I'm so sorry if it's inaccurate.)
Disclaimer: The characters depicted herein belong to Shine and BBC. I make no profit from this endeavor.


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