O Fortuna! I feel like I'm channeling Ignatius J. Reilly. I woke up picturing myself at the bottom of the Wheel of Fortune. There's no way you can stop this ride, I thought, maybe if you hang on tight enough you'll end up on top again. All these journals are into "o fortuna" which maybe means the song and not Fortuna. She's the one who spins that wheel and watches it go round and round, and everyone on it who falls to the ground.
scottish-elf Every post ends with a phrase in Latin!
hornetskaya the list of favorite comics reminds me that I have to do a batch of journals into The Perry Bible Fellowship. I used to like Red Meat a lot, but it seems kind of toothless to me now.
jeansama Should I be washing my keyboard too? What if I don't? Because I never have and maybe I should.
lemone When my dad died I wasn't going to let just anybody eulogize him, especially priests who hardly or didn't know him. So I did it myself. Painfully. ※
kopo It's also possible that the Arabic word didn't derive from Biblical Hebrew but from the Semetic PTL root. And though I liked it I am too dumb to get that xkcd comic. I don't think there have ever been consecutive Journal of the Month Award nominees. Until now. ※
snowtown Sounds like you feel at the bottom of the wheel, just like me. Hold on tight! Your bio is almost identical to the bio on my other journal, 215. & 389.
krunkers, but I never mention being a duck.
sirthor That fox looks like a cat stretched out like that. Cuuuute!
vopisca The second zookeeper that I've come across in the Mission. Lately I've been regretting that when people asked me as a kid what I wanted to be when I grew up I never thought to say zookeeper. No, I had to say I wanted to read the Internet, and we all know there's no money in that. But something tells me this is not a real zoo.
runintheshadows Congrats on the engagement! I like your pixelated journal design (it reminds me of my new sneakers) but it kind of distracts from the entries. And hurts my eyes.
roxy5moxy Congrats on the marriage! And I like all the anti-robot language on your interest list. Because the only thing scarier than a bear at the market is a robot at the market.
despuesanochece Congrats on the new job! Ok, based on your journal title I had these thoughts: I find that when I try to reveal nothing, to lie the most, is when people get the most truth out of me.
lytbryt It took me a minute to decipher your user name. I recognized it was a word but LGBTQ kept on getting stuck in my head. And that was before I realized you were gay.
sasswinter is where you can find the finished products seen under construction at 626.
modus-0perandi. Which are some of the coolest renditions of Greek mythological figures and icons I have ever seen and I want a hippocamp and a Triton tattoo based on these prints. Too bad I can't share that because the comments are disabled?
Weird coincidences this batch: lots of congratulations were in order, lots of comics got mentioned, lots of animals turn up where they shouldn't have been.