Suggestions: Part III

Jun 18, 2007 17:27

Based on a suggestion that I read a journal from a country in the Southern Hemisphere I have chosen Johannesburg, South Africa as my next destination. Why are these conflict centers so appealing to me?

579.ticktock-za One of the most significant user names I have come across on lj, for the origin see the entry on 10.13.06. That's a lot of birthdays in a two-month period. It's like birthing season or something.
580.dream-storm moving, deep, distressed, and hopeful.
581.david-de-beer once when I was part of a short-lived writing group someone asked me "What are you trying to do with this story?". I couldn't take the question seriously because I couldn't understand the question. What do any stories do? Do they have to do anything? It's kind of like the question you ask yourself: What is the point of this story? Doesn't the answer go without saying? I fell that it's derogatory even to ask.
582.frankvw sometimes this journal is more useful than the news. I had no idea that there was a general civil servant strike going on in SA, nor that it was starting to get ugly. Like the title of this journal there really is everything but the kitchen sink here, but it's mostly tech stuff. This is also the first journal that's talking about winter weather, which was the reason 520.colorwhirl suggested the Southern Hemisphere. Seems to have disabled the comments which precludes finding out about my little visit.
583.empyreanborne, 584.notsnowwhite, 585.lifetaughtme, 586.matterofluck, 587.ibroughtyou and 588.bringmeuptozero all RPG journals from resolutionremix which happens to locate quite a few characters in Johannesburg. Sorry for the intrusion, guys.
589.marietta011 They have Rent-a-Wreck in South Africa? Is it possible they're international or is the name just too obvious? A German working for a charitable organization to help severe burn victims who wants to share the experience, good or bad. And a lot more on the strike here. ※
590.lesliev Even more tech stuff but peppered with video games and on 4.26 a Venus fly trap pays for its overambitious appetite.
591.melancthe Had this to say about friending on lj but I feel like it's part of my reason for the Mission: Part of the fun of LiveJournal is meeting new people and seeing new perspectives. See also for an extensive but interesting friending/commenting policy. What can I say, I'm a sucker for rules and regulations: ※.
592.schaeh Active again after what was probably a necessary year absence given baby stuff and all, but I've been guilty of neglecting journals for as long and longer without a kid so all is forgiven. Quitting stuff reminds me of the arc of posts on my real lj about my quest to give up smoking. Which eventually failed, but part two may be coming up someday. Watch my commenting get really sappy or snappy then, it was hell.
593.berrypie whose stalker reads only one journal and seems my antithesis.

Next time I venture into South Africa I'm going to head into Bloemfontein, the city where Tolkien was born and raised. Not that I didn't love Jo'burg, which is a shorthand I just learned this batch.

suggestions, johannesburg

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