What I'm thinking: everyone who lists secret agents as an interest is secretive. Like with all the screening of comments and friends-only-commenting I encountered. Or in a flash of paranoia I think if advance word has spread of my approach, and steps taken to avoid my comments, they're more like secret agents than I ever imagined. Or had yet to imagine. Because I just imagined that then. And that's just what it is, I tell myself, my imagination.
It gets the better of me.
pharminatrix coincidentally a friend of a friend, and the best journal title ever: Spooky · O' · Shimmy · Sings · Top · Secret · Sea-Shanties ※
apocalypsesoon John Connor's journal?
uberbex Someone I know who uses the same layout is having the same dentist issues right now.
s0ni It's so rare to run into any African American owned LiveJournals. This is serious. It brings to light the inherent racism of the Internet. In all the attempts I've made to read all the journals probably less than ten journals belonged to black people.
greencat3 Les Mis fanfic? Awright. Stargate mood theme.
drowning-london said It's been a while. Damnit, I really want to keep my LJ up, but on the other hand, I don't know if anyone even reads it anymore. Someone's always reading. You just never know who.
rachelmanija awesome
valkyrja_ amid lots of quotes and lyrics I found this if anyone needs me I'll be washing down every pill I can find with as much vodka as I can swallow like the truth shining through
prettyfool Maybe the people of the lost colony of the damned were all put under an evil spell and turned into
worms and they return with the rains searching for a way back home to England.
raven28 just making her return to LJ after one year with no few unkind words for myspace. Welcome back. You were missed.
mutarada I almost didn't read this one at all. But I did. Nothing personal. It's just that cut tags slow reading down.
labrujah You learn stuff when you read every LiveJournal. Like that Mother's Day was once a pacifist manifesto for peace now hijacked by Capital. ※
mister-sable Robot with human fingers. No doubt.
oceaniia_star An inexplicably cute journal.
starguurl Sorry you missed Passover but take comfort in this thought: The first year you missed a seder was the same year this gentile went to one.