Title: Self-Image (sequel to
Pairing: Hankyung/Shindong, Hanchul
Word Count: 2031
Theme: 054. Self-Image Hankyung/Shindong
Summary: Hankyung is confused as to why Heechul threw him out. Turns out Hankyung needs a makeover and guess who happens to be the one helping him? Shindong!
Self-Image )
Comments 4
I like it.. Hankyung`s make-over was complete success ! :">
LOL. Good job, Shindong, Sungmin, && Yesung ! [:
and yes the makeover was a complete success :D
thank you for the comment :D
Geng <333
Shindong is good at helping people!
of course Shindong is good at helping people (or at least that's how i portray him XD)
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