Title: Skin Pairing: Shindong/Kyuhyun, Kyumin Word Count: 1644 Theme: 040. Skin Shindong/Kyuhyun Summary: In order to confess, he needs clear skin...(yes this is a bad summary)
had fun reading this. Because acne's are acting up on me too. D: and yes, i don't naturally stress myself over this kind of things, but I do, and I have the same reason as Kyu. XP
omo. the last line made me curious. Heechul, what's the problem? /winks at you for a sequel.
shindong is such a sweeheart to help ~ and silly kyu~ worrying over acne. (*___* with or without, he's still hot either way. it's his personaility and mind that counts<3 also his voice... can't foget his voice<3<3<3)
xD awwwwww the kyumin ending!! and LMAO at heechul~ even he needs help and advice at some point~ :3 great work~ really cute and just full of fluffy-goodness<333
and i totally agree. kyu is hot no matter wat :D his personality, his mind, his voice...*drifts off into dreamland thinking about kyu singing* i absolutely love his voice :D
Comments 9
had fun reading this. Because acne's are acting up on me too. D: and yes, i don't naturally stress myself over this kind of things, but I do, and I have the same reason as Kyu. XP
omo. the last line made me curious. Heechul, what's the problem? /winks at you for a sequel.
love ♥
sequel coming soon...
shindong is such a sweeheart to help ~ and silly kyu~ worrying over acne. (*___* with or without, he's still hot either way. it's his personaility and mind that counts<3 also his voice... can't foget his voice<3<3<3)
xD awwwwww the kyumin ending!! and LMAO at heechul~ even he needs help and advice at some point~
:3 great work~ really cute and just full of fluffy-goodness<333
and i totally agree. kyu is hot no matter wat :D his personality, his mind, his voice...*drifts off into dreamland thinking about kyu singing* i absolutely love his voice :D
love ♥
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