Yesterday me and Edwin went to the midnight showing of the new Batman movie and met up with Michelle, Adam, Adam's girlfriend Rebecca, and their friend Steven. Holy crap that movie was awesome! I went in expecting it to be super cheesy with a slight hint of terrible and it turned out to be amazing. I already want to go see it again and laugh hysterically at the Joker and fangirl over the ten second cameo of the Scarecrow. My two favorite Batman villains in one film? Oh yes, &hearts. Everyone that hasn't seen it yet: go, go, go!
After the movie we all wandered over to Dennys and goofed off for a while. It was nice to get out of the house again after being so sick, even though I still had problems walking and needed to lean on Edwin for support most of the time. We got home pretty late and napped for about two hours before my gyno appointment, which turned out to be fast and mostly painless. The catheter was removed and walking abilities have improved, though my body still hurts on and off. I'm also slightly overdue for my period and my boobs are killing me. I blame being so stressed and so sick, and thus I have more discomfort to look forward to in the next few days. And since I'm already filling this post with TMI, the last time I used the bathroom was well over a week ago. I am thanking the universe that things like stool softeners exist, because I don't even want to imagine what later today might be like without one.
Edwin's car was towed last night. There was no parking left at all at his complex, right? So he takes a space that isn't his since he's only going to be at his apartment for maybe thirty minutes max before swinging by to pick me up. When he gets back outside he sees his car going for a ride without him. He tried to chase it down and didn't make it. To make it worse... where is sitting now? Somewhere around Buckeye and 125th Ave. Which is a forty minute drive from here. (Turns out it's 35th Ave, yay!) I told him to take my car to work since he wouldn't be able to go and get his today. I just feel really bad for him and wish there was something else I could do.
But on a lighter note Hell Cat (Ivory) is totally crazy and I love it.
Here for an example.