(no subject)

Apr 26, 2006 00:13

seeing as i haven't written in here for quite a while, i figured its time.

i decided to go to IUB (international university of bremen, in bremen, germany) for school. sent my acceptance in, notified all the other schools i wouldn't be attending, etc. it feels really weird to know what i'm doing, and especially know that i won't be anywhere near anyone next year. yeah everyone says they'll come visit, and we'll see eachother over breaks, but i'll be gone for the majority of the calendar year. honestly, how many people are actually going to be able to come and visit me? so, i'll have the internet and the phone to keep in touch with people. the internet sometimes feels really impersonal, and time zones have to be taken into account with the telephone. i have a feeling i'll do a lot of studying and staying up really late and calling people before i go to bed. i'm also nervous about the course load there. its intense, reeeeally intense.

i ran into mal and anna (both seperately), two girls i went to latvia with, on two different weekends in the cities. the weird thing was, i ran into anna first in bloomingdales, and exactly one week later i run into mal in the same bloomingdales about six feet away from the spot i saw anna. it was sooo coincidental. so, seeing and talking them inspired me to email will, and we've been emailing back and forth. its really nice to just find out what he's up to. i think after this crazy week is over i'll ask him if he wants to meet for coffee or dinner sometime.

and this week. uuuuugh. this week is madness. improv practice every day from 3-6, then our final show on friday, and then saturday is all prom preperations and then prom. not to mention we just found out today that somebody rented out the auditorium (which is only right across the hall from the little theatre) for the same time as our improv show for a concert. the only problem is its a touring band and its not like we can really ask them to transfer it to a gym or the university. but get this: its a christian rock concert. here we have christian music going on in one theatre, and then the most obscene and vulgar group of individuals from our school all on stage just across the hall.

my prom dress is hanging off my closet wall, completely pinned up, but alterations are still needing to happen, not mention the pins should be taken out and it should be sewn on the bottom. but we're all ready for prom (hopefully), we've finally got the group figured out, dinner reservations, flowers, tickets, etc. . . at least i think so. who knows, it'll probably keep changing all the way up to saturday morning.

went to green bay last weekend so michelle could tour the campus and we could all visit jenni. it was a nice trip, a little too much driving for one day for us, a little too much food poisoning for katie on the way home, but all over a nice day. only problem was, when i got home i was driving home on a country highway with nobody in sight, turn a corner and bam. red and blue flashing lights. i guess i hadn't been paying attention to how fast i really was going and the cop clocked me at 74 in a 55 zone. woops. he wrote the ticket for only 70 though, so that reduced the fine. but oh well. i was nervous for about two days straight until i told my mom last night while we were cooking dinner. she took it pretty well and decided the $160 fine was punishment enough.

graduation is coming up, i have to plan my grad party, and (finally) get some senior pictures printed. not to mention get ready for the german exchange trip which is only 2 days after my grad party... eh. and AP testing is next week and the week after. i'm screwed.
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