Rea's CR

Jun 16, 2011 22:38

Taylor:  Her best friend without question. The two have a peculiar relationship; Andrea admires Taylor for her outspoken nature and her ability to love. Outwardly, this is what she scorns, but it's mostly because she's jealous. Of course, she'd die before she admitted that. She loves Taylor like a sister, and would go to the ends of the earth for her most of the time. Taylor knows most of Rea's secrets. Andrea is very conscious that Taylor could use these against her, and often tries to get in there first, to beat Taylor at her own game. Andrea feels that though Taylor generally beats her when it comes to physical fights, Andrea could beat her if she tried. She just doesn't want to hurt Taylor. Of course, when they fall out, all hell breaks loose, and Rea won't stop at much to bring the chav down. She would be disappointed if Taylor didn't make as much effort as she did.

Kelly: Andrea will always say that Kelly is her best friend. She wishes she still was. Honestly, she doesn't know what happened. The joke was as much Taylor's fault as her's; Andrea just happened to be better at forgery than Taylor. She wishes they could be friends again. But Kelly's changed so much since she came here. Andrea's scared that she's lost Kelly forever, and feels utterly helpless. She would still follow Kelly in any plot she came up with. Andrea's not as quiet any more; she's more likely to stand up to Kelly when she doesn't agree with the head girl's opinion. She's not sure whether Kelly can handle that.

Chelsea: Andrea loves Chelsea. Outwardly, Chelsea will receive a LOT of eye rolls  and whithering looks from Andrea, but again this is partially jealousy. She can't abide when Chelsea acts like a ditzy blonde; in Andrea's opinion, Chelsea is far too clever for that. She's actually looking forward to sharing a room with her, though aprehensive about the conversations Chelsea will subject her to and the amount of pink that will be involved. She draws the line at glitter.

Trowa: As cheesy as it sounds, Trowa is the main highlight of Andrea's life. She's never been in love before, but my goodness is she in love now. She loves Trowa with all her heart, though she can't help but wonder why he bothers with her. She thinks he's the best looking guy in the Nexus, and still can't believe her good luck that for some inexplicable reason, he seems to like her. Trowa'shelped her through a lot of stuff, and for that, she'll always be grateful. Andrea can't - WON'T imagine a future without him. She can already see weddings and married life. She sometimes gets frustrated because she can't tell what he' thinking, but at the same time, she understands that some stuff just ought to be private. She wishes she could be as brave as he is.

Heero: She doesn't have an opinion about Heero. She barely knows him. But he's Trowa's best friend, and so she will attempt to protect him to the end of the earth and beyond. No, nobody said that this was a good idea.

James: First of all, Andrea hates the fact that she stabbed him (even though she totally didn't mean to ahem, MUN) and is truly sorry for her actions. In her defense, she wasn't exactly in her right mind. Anyway, Andrea likes James and thinks he's hilarious. She wishes he'd come and talk to her more; he's not been to see her since before she got arrested and though she can't blame him for staying away, she wishes he would approach again. She would approach him, but she's terrified of rejection.

Remus: Remus is pretty much the same as James; Andrea thinks he's brilliant, and she wishes he liked her more than he does. Hopefully, things will get better now? She will ALWAYS be grateful for him visiting her in prison, and she hopes that when he goes back to his own world, and in years to come, he'll remember what she said to him, and he'll visit an old friend.

Sirius: She liked him, she loathed him. Right now, she likes Sirius. He gives her chocolate, he cheers her up. He doesn't judge. And he's absolutely bonkers. What isn't there to like? A brilliant guy, and hopefully, he'll become a great friend.

Julian: She hated him at first. He kept chucking her against walls and using his weird green light to lift her up. She didn't mean to be racist; she wasn't even aware of what she said. Once she decided he hated her though, she returned to her de facto of being as awful as possible, and coming across as even worse than that. She appreciates that he came to see her and didn't laugh when he saw her chained up. She'll never forget it, and she will try her best to make it up to him and show her thanks. She thinks hey'll become close friends now, especially as she's living with them.

Josh: What a lovely guy. She owes him her life, and will do anything to please him now.

Laura: Andrea admires Laura no end. She's again thankful that Laura came to visit her in jail.  She likes what she's seen of Laura's personality so far and would like to get to know her better.

Annabeth: Andrea doesn't like her. She does like her more than Percy though.

Percy: Andrea thinks he's an idiot. He always has to be hero and always has to win. She doesn't like him.

Nico: What a cool kid. And he gave her a puppy. Andrea likes him.

Trey: Andrea will never think any boy that Taylor brings home will be good enough for her. Sorry Trey. She's also terrified of you because of her experiences with vampires. She's scared that he'll suck Taylor's blood, and won't stop. Kill her friend, and there'll be a stake and a hell of a lot of garlic coming your way.

Warren: She knows he hates her. She doesn't care. She used to think Warren was hot. Totally her type of guy. Had it not been for Trowa... Hurt Chelsea and his life won't be worth living. She will plague him till he kills himself.

Turlough: Their relationship is tempestuous to say the least. She hated him because he treated her like a child, but slowly, they came to an understanding. Andrea was thrilled that he visited her in jail - until he tried to tell her what to do. She was so sad to hear that he's leaving the Nexus that she was preparing to hinder the reconstruction of the Portal to keep him here. She's so upset to have pushed him away, though of course, she'd never admit that to anyone. She hates that he thinks badly of her now, but she's going to pretend that she doesn't care. The day he leaves, there will be a lot of tears. Someone should probably hide all sharp/alcoholic objects.

Faith: Faith is big sister. Andrea loves her unquestionably and will take her advice to the word. Faith is one of the few 'grown ups' that Andrea respects. She feels that they're very similar, and because of this, thinks that Faith is in the best position to understand her. She's sorry for all the pain and grief that she's caused her big sister, and will do her best to make it up to her. She loves Faith, pure and simple. If she ever goes back to St. Trinian's, she wants Faith to come too.

Ianto: Ianto is officially Andrea's adopted dad. She really likes Ianto, and appreciates the fact that he came to jail  to see her. He didn't have to do that, and really, she can't understand why he did that, but she's grateful anyway. This is what unconditional love must be. She wishes she could live with him. She also wishes that he and Barbara would live together and adopt her properly, a proper family. But even like this, he's brilliant. One of the nicest people she's met in the Nexus.

Barbara: It's been a rocky road, hasn't it? She's grateful though. Soooooooooooo grateful, especially for all the jail time. She's come to think of Babs as her mum. Mum, confidante, friend, helper. Barbara is everything to Rea, and the emo's not entirely sure what she'd do without her. She'll do anything Barbara asks of her now. Hurt her mum, and feel Rea's wrath!!!

Jamie: Once again, Rea is Mega-grateful to Jamie. He's saved her from jail, and given her more materially than anyone else has ever given her (a castle, for crying out loud!). She has the utmost respect for Jamie, and the way he takes in waifs and strays. She admires his capability for caring, though she still wonders why he took her in. He had no obligation to adopt her, and she's waiting for her world to crumble, and for him to reveal his devious plot for bringing her here.

von Hammer: Andrea's grandfather. He has a calming influence on her. She wishes he was around more. She's disappointed he didn't come to see her in jail.

Susan: An insensitive bitch. No respect there. She's not Miss Fritton and she shouldn't try to be. At first, she tried. Susan gave no positive feedback, so she gave up and runs wild.

Chris: What an idiot. Andrea loathes Chris. What a know it all.

Arthur: Arthur threatened Rea with the pillory and a dungeon. Andrea hates him and WILL disrupt his class as much as possible.

Lex: Completely pathetic. Waste of time.

The Master: She really liked him at one point. Then Turlough scared her, and she's never been able to really trust him properly since. Though, considering that Turlough turned out to be a jerk, maybe he was lying about the Master too? The Master somehow manages to have a calming effect on Rea too. In general, she likes and respects him. She's almost always interested in his subject, and will do her best to please him.

Reid: One word. Ass-hole.

Angua: Horrid thing. She put Rea in jail. She put her in chains. She scared her and made her stab Taylor. Rea resents and dislikes her.

Murdock: She messed that one up, and she's sorry. He was an okay guy. Now he hates her too. She didn't want him to storm off, but she doesn't need watching. She can look after herself.

Bison: Evil number one. She's terrifed of him, absolutely and completely. Not only did he try to kill her, but he betrayed her trust. And he made her into a killer. He tried to kill her friends. He feigned love. She's terrified. She WILL kill him.

Hook: Evil number two. He broke her leg and stabbed her. He made her watch her friends get tortured. She WILL kill him.

Davros: Evil number 3. He tried to operate on her - without anaesthetic. Completely mad. Terrifying.

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