May 08, 2005 10:58
Well Well Well.. this week was awesome. i got my braces off :D:D:D
then friday me nd kate got out of school early to make a trip up to the race track but soon was stopped. but then we got to go out that night so thats a plus.
then saturday pretty much chilled around with some friends. then we went to MI and Orlando.haha. then came home nd chilled till everyone got back from prom. then just partttttttttttayyyyd it up. im really glad hott guys i dont KNOW come over. :) But and brooke had a hard time later that morning. nd couldnt stop singing our songs. hope our friends dont hate us! But u only live once. nd it was fun. but i hate when ppl have to get in fights. to where they are rolling all over the grass. ew.
so anyways.. today is mothers day AWE. too bad i have to clean. and idk where my dad nd brother are? but i guess ill just try to be nice to my mom:) Hope everyone had a good time at prom. for those who went.
peace out<333
btw-i like aimee a lot
im really gald u came :)