
Jun 01, 2004 16:16

I spent a three-day weekend up at Camp Runamuck, had a terribly enjoyable time away from computers, cell phones and running water. Beer-volleyball, a deep-fried turkey, absinthe and me in blazing-orange camoflage coveralls. Had another visit with ska Maria Pastora. I didn't come to the cliff to have stepped off it, but, this was not the existential panic from last time. It is truly amazing how the same type of experience can go from hellish to very pleasant with a slightly more experienced perspective. I was also in the company of two people (Ranger Ken and Agent Orange, our hosts) who I would have been in better hands with were the experience to have gone as sour as last time. That in and of itself had much to do with it, I am quite sure. I knew I could not speak so I did not try. I knew I could not force understanding so I let myself be caught up in the tidal current that is Salvia and let understanding wash over me if it chose to.
We were heartily blessed with dry, if not chilly weather, and the campfire was never far away if the cold crept in. Really, a nice weekend, and perhaps some pictures from later.

News from last week, I cashed in half of my total stock options a bit early. The difference between my strike price and the current trading price was to tasty to not jump on. Within a few days I will be recieving a check, the sum of which is enough to cancel out any bad debt I may have, with a comfortable sum left over.

Most of you will never have seen me happier than I am right now, or really as I will be once the funds are in and back out to my debtors. I will be able to re-build my credit, and feel like I have taken a half-step to the right, out from underneath Damocles' sword. See, living the way I have for the past seven years, if you asked I was always ok, managing, doing my best Might have even said I was doing well, but not really meant it. Now, if you ask me how I'm doing, I'm doing great, and I mean it. The albatross has flown free and morphed to a Halcyon bird, the millstone round my neck now a standing monolith, and the sigh of relief made the weather bureau check their radar.

So, my real question for myself right now is how to celebrate.
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