Finally made it back to the rock gym for more bouldering on Sunday. I actually am more sore after this visit than I was my first. Think that might have to do with me having held on more this time when I started to slip. Last time I kinda just let myself fall if I thought I might. but goddam am I SORE. I would trade just about anything for a back/arm/neck massage.
Regarding last post's trip-report, I did a little more research. Someone was nice and created an acronym-based chart to help one gauge an experience, as follows:
S-A-L-V-I-A Experience Rating Scale
S - SUBTLE effects
A - ALTERED perception
L - LIGHT visionary state
V - VIVID visionary state
I - IMMATERIAL existence
A - AMNESIC effects
My first experiences were maybe light Phase 1's. My last, jumpred straight to Stage 5, or I. Here's what the chart says...
Level 5 - "I" stands for IMMATERIAL existence:
At this level consciousness remains and some thought processes are still lucid, but one becomes completely involved in inner experience and loses all contact with consensual reality. Individuality may be lost; one experiences merging with God/Goddess, mind, universal consciousness, or bizarre fusions with other objects real or imagined, e.g. merging with a wall may be experienced. At this level it is impossible to function in consensual reality, but unfortunately some people do not remain still but move around in this befuddled state. For this reason a sitter is essential to ensure the safety of someone voyaging to the inner levels. To the person experiencing this, the phenomenon may be terrifying or exceedingly pleasant; but to an outside observer the individual may appear confused or disoriented.
So yeah, that's a pretty good description of the mechanics of what happened.
a link to the full Scale. my current big mess revolves around some community service I was supposed to have done a few years ago. The abridged story...
(4 years ago)
Court- Do this community Service.
Me - Fine, but not that Community Service. It's 4 towns away and you took my license away. Give me Community Service in my town.
Court - umm, ohh yeah. OK, we'll call you.
(4 years transpire)
Court- You never did the Community Service and now must pay!
Me- *sigh*
In the trinity of atoning for my past, securing my future and enjoying the present; the first part is the most daunting. I spent a good three years breaking just about everything in my life....romantically, financially, logistically. I've spent the past three years assessing damage and making repairs as I can. Fixed a lot of things, still a lot remains broken.
Either way, I feel I've got a handle on everything, save for one aspect. And it's a big one. I can't tell if it's SNAFU or FUBAR. I just wish I knew. Or that life came with an instrument panel. ugh, 'nuff o' that for now.
rub my back, please.